
Macular degeneration:

The central part of retina, called macula, is degraded. Macula is responsible for adjusting central vision in the eye. It also regulates our abilities of reading, driving, seeing faces or colours and recognizing them. There are two types of macular degeneration – dry and wet.

Age-related macular degeneration is divided into three stages:

Early AMD:

In most cases, vision loss is not found. It is diagnosed by existing medium-sized yellow coloured deposits in the retina called drusen.

Intermediate AMD:

To some extent, vision loss may be there. It is diagnosed by presence of larger drusen and/or retinal pigment changes.

Late AMD:

Significant vision loss will be present.

Diabetic retinopathy:

Eye’s blood vessels are harmed. It can develop in individuals who have either of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Chances are that the longer an individual has had diabetes and the less controlled his/her blood sugar is, the more is he/she likely to suffer from diabetic retinopathy. The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy are blurred vision, fluctuating vision, vision loss, dark or empty areas in vision and floaters (macroscopic particles that appear in your vision). Management of cataract is your best bet against diabetic retinopathy. If you experience blurry, hazy or spotty vision, consult an eye doctor immediately.


Tumors in the retina are rare. Most of the retinal tumors are benign. They can be treated and eliminated when an action is taken on the right time.

Inherited retinal diseases:

Common inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) include Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), retinitis pigmentosa, achromatopsia, choroideremia and Stargardt’s disease. They affect people of all ages. Each of these diseases follow their own specific route of progression. They are caused by at least one gene which isn’t working normally. Treatments for IRDs differ with the type of IRD.

Retinal detachment:

Retina pulls away from its normal position in this condition. Its symptoms include light flashes, tunnel vision, disturbed vision, suddenly appearing floaters, gradually reducing peripheral vision and a curtain like shadow over the visual field. In case a small part of retina has pulled away and detached, you may not develop any symptoms. It can be treated surgically. Immediate medical attention helps as postponing the treatment may lead to severe damage.

Macular hole:

It is a tear or opening that forms in the macula. The central vision will get affected and look blurry, distorted and wavy.

Why Vedanta Jyoti Eye Hospital?

Our retina specialists diagnose and treat macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, tumors, inherited retinal diseases, retinal detachment, macular hole, etc. We enable patients to benefit from the latest advances in diagnostic and treatment equipment such as OCT, FFA, green laser, etc.